Marie Schenk, Ph.D. candidate in Political Science, is admitted into to the Open Graduate Education program to pursue a master's degree in her secondary field of data science. "I believe that big data and the technology used to analyze it can shed new light on longstanding questions about political engagement and the formation of political identities, and I will be well positioned to make a scholarly contribution thanks to the training I get through the Open Grad Program", says Schenk.
Rebecca Bell-Martin, PhD'19 and Jerome Marston, PhD'19 co-author an article in Geopolitics: "Confronting Selection Bias: The Normative and Empirical Risks of Data Collection in Violent Contexts."
Kaitlin Sidorsky, PhD'15, promotes her new book, "All Roads Lead to Power: Appointed and Elected Paths to Public Office for US Women", University Press of Kansas, 2019, with a presentation at the National Archives as part of the McGowan Theater Book Lecture Series.
Rachel Meade, PhD'19, writes in IdeaAs, Idees d'Ameriques, on "Populist Narratives from Below: Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party."