Katherine Tate's, Professor of Political Science, book, "What's Going On? Political Incorporation and the Transformation of Black Public Opinion" is included in the NYT article, "No One Should Take Black Voters for Granted".
Wendy Schiller, Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, Chair of Political Science, quoted in The Public's Radio in article, "Whitehouse Blames 'Dark Money' for Why He Raised So Much for '18 Campaign," about how U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse raised money for his re-election campaign.
"What's extraordinary about Sheldon Whitehouse is that he spent that much money in a very small state," Schiller said. "So it was either overly cautionary on his part, or he was scared of something in that race, because the number is large for the size of the state and the fact that it was his second re-election campaign."
Margaret Weir, Wilson Professor of International and Public Affairs and Political Science, on "Governing the New Geography of Poverty in Metropolitan America," Urban Affairs Review, 2019.
Eric Patashnik, Julis-Rabinowitz Professor of Public Policy, Professor of Political Science, talks policy in a new chapter he authored, "The Clean Air Act's Use of Market Mechanisms."
Eric Patashnik, Julis-Rabinowitz Professor of Public Policy, Professor of Political Science, recommends asking the right questions in MarketWatch on, "How to avoid medical treatment you don't need -- or that may not work."
- Will the recommended treatment extend my life or cure my illness?
- Will it relieve my symptoms or give me a higher quality of life?
- How do you know the treatment works?
Wendy Schiller, Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, Chair of Political Science, in Bloomberg.com on 2020 Hopefuls go on Bill-Filing Spree.
Rich Arenberg, Visiting Professor of the Practice of Political Science, Senior Fellow in International and Public Affairs, quoted in Vice News: Trump Freaks Out Over Today's Impeachment Testimony.
Rich Arenberg, Visiting Professor of the Practice of Political Science, Senior Fellow in International and Public Affairs, in Vice.com, "How Democrats Will Weaponize Trump's Historic Impeachment Stonewalling."