Political Science

Jeff Colgan

Richard Holbrooke Professor of Political Science and International and Public Affairs
Rm. 303/Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs - 111 Thayer Street
Areas of Expertise International Security, Politics and History, Political Economy
2024-25 On Leave


Jeff D. Colgan is the Richard Holbrooke Professor in the Department of Political Science and Director of the Climate Solutions Lab at the Watson Institute for Public and International Affairs at Brown University. His research focuses on international order, especially as related to energy and the environment.

His triple award-winning book, Partial Hegemony: Oil Politics and International Order was published in September 2021 by Oxford University Press. It won the Jervis Schroeder Best Book Award from the APSA International History and Politics section; the Best Book Award from the APSA International Collaboration section (co-winner); and the Best Book (Energy Policy—Non-Fiction) award from the American Energy Society.
Professor Colgan’s previous book, Petro-Aggression: When Oil Causes Warwas published in 2013 by Cambridge University PressHe has published work in International Organization, Foreign Affairs, World Politics, International Security and elsewhere. He also occasionally blogs at the Monkey Cage and Foreign Affairs. On Twitter, he is @JeffDColgan

Professor Colgan previously taught at the School of International Service of American University 2010-2014, and was a Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC in 2012-13.  He completed his Ph.D. at Princeton University, and was a Canada-US Fulbright Scholar at UC Berkeley, where he earned a Master’s in Public Policy.  Dr. Colgan has worked with the World Bank, McKinsey & Company, and The Brattle Group.


Partial Hegemony: Oil Politics and International Order 

The Jervis Schroeder Best Book Award from the APSA International History and Politics section

Co-Winner, Best Book, International Collaboration Section, American Political Science Association

Winner, Best Book, Energy PolicyNon-Fiction, American Energy Society

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Several OPEC+ countries will reduce oil production by a combined 2.2 million barrels per day through June. Jeff Colgan, director of the Climate Solutions Lab at Brown, discusses how the decreased output could affect the U.S.
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