Professor of Political Science Katherine Tate offered commentary on support for Joe Biden from Black lawmakers and voters.
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Political Science

Katherine Tate
Professor of Political Science
Rm. 307/Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs - 111 Thayer Street
Areas of Expertise
Black Politics, Race Ethnicity and Politics, Urban Politics, Gender and Politics
On Leave
Katherine Tate is Professor of Political Science at Brown University. Her Ph.D. in political science is from the University of Michigan. She has a bachelor's degree in political science with honors from the University of Chicago. Tate has published seven books, including the award-winning Black Faces in the Mirror and From Protest to Politics. Tate’s most recent book is Gendered Pluralism (University of Michigan Press, in press, coauthored). Her research and teaching are in the areas of public opinion, government, and Black and women’s politics.
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