Political Science


Omar is a sixth-year Ph.D. candidate studying international relations. His research interests engage civil-military relations vis-à-vis security institutional design and interstate conflict, especially after a state acquires nuclear weapons. His focus on political psychology and strategic behavior maps how nuclear proliferation shapes bluffing and signaling in crisis bargaining. His added interests encompass the legal axioms in civil-military tussles to determine where national security takes precedence over democracy for a nuclear state. Omar received his Bachelor's degree in Economics from Grinnell College, with capstone projects on Indo-Pakistan hydropolitics and foreign aid's role in developing countries. He holds a Masters in Public Affairs from Brown University, specializing in civil-military diplomacy and nuclear strategy from Harvard University through the Brown-Harvard program. His professional endeavors include research projects for Oxford University, Harvard University, Brown University, and the United Nations University (UNU - Maastricht).