Political Science
Published March 23, 2021
Author Bonnie Honig
Tags Bonnie Honig
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Shell Shocked: Feminist Criticism after Trump


“Shell-Shocked is a must-read for anyone recovering from the disorientation and desensitization of the Trump years. Honig’s feminist lens permits us to see past an overwhelming barrage of words, images, and video outtakes, to reveal how patriarchy remains the foundation of so much of what ails us. Honig brings keen observation and wry humor to dazzling readings of literature, cinema, and cable news, as well as to the everyday moments that have troubled and confounded us. Her insights not only make us smarter; they promise to equip us for the work toward justice that lies ahead.”
— Martha S. Jones, author of Vanguard: How Black Women Broke Barriers, Won the Vote, and Insisted on Equality for All

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