Political Science

Declaring the Concentration

To declare the concentration, follow the following steps:

  1. Download the worksheet here.  Fill it out with the POLS courses you have already taken as well as your tentative idea of courses you will take in the future to complete the concentration (you are not wedded to these, but you should view them as your current best estimate of what courses you would like to take each semester to fulfill the concentration). The point of this exercise is to think ahead a bit and map out courses you need to take, as well as those you might like to take, during your final two years at Brown.


  1. Go to the online ASK program and fill in your concentration plan on the electronic form. This is the Department’s record of your progress through the concentration.  At this point, the Department will assign you a faculty advisor. You may indicate your preference for an advisor, although we cannot guarantee that you will get that person (you may also indicate a preferred subfield). Your faculty advisor will then either request changes or will sign-off and approve your plan.


  1. Once you have a faculty advisor, send them an email introducing yourself:  “Dear Prof. X, I’m your new Political Science advisee. I don’t have any questions now but I look forward to meeting in the near future”  or “I took X class with you and now I’ve decided to concentrate in Political Science.”  Visit your faculty advisor during office hours sometime!


For further questions about the political science concentration, please contact Professor Gourevitch.

Director of Undergraduate Studies